Additional Information
Below is more information to help you plan your trip. Please also visit the Rates, Levels, Gear, and ACMG Waiver pages for even more info.
For fishing within Kananaskis Country, everyone 16 years of age and older is required to have a VALID Alberta Sport Fishing License (make sure you sign your license or it will not be valid).
Please note that you now can have a electronic copy of your license, but must have the Alberta Relm App downloaded on your smartphone (I would still recommend that you have a signed paper copy of your license as a back-up, just in case your phone goes for a swim).
I will confirm this prior to leaving for the trip, so make sure you bring it with you. If you do not have one at this point I recommend that you visit AlbertaRELM and purchase your license online. The advantage of this is that it keeps a record for subsequent years. As well, you can print off multiple copies. Don’t forget that you will also need to purchase a WIN Card. This can be done at the same time. Alternatively, if you forget, you can purchase a license at Canadian Tire, Walmart, BassPro Shops, Wholesale Sports, etc.
Here are a few online fly shops that you can order fairly inexpensive flies (of decent quality):
Ben is a local Calgarian and has fast turn around, but can sell out of the more popular flies. Use discount code EAFZR to receive 10% off your order. Make sure you tell him I recommended him.
Reelflies are out of Ontario, and have a good variety of flies. Can take a couple of weeks for delivery.
You can always go to a dedicated fly shop in Calgary, of which I recommend:
Located at 400 5 Ave SW #120 in Downtown Calgary. Their phone number is (403) 282-8868.
Full disclosure I worked the odd shift at BRTFs previously, so be sure to tell them you are one of my guests – it won’t get you a discount unfortunately but you should get preferential treatment (I hope).
Fishtales Fly Shop is located in the Avenida Shopping Centre (12100 Macleod Trial SE).
Don’t forget that there are others, as well, I just don’t shop at them so cannot recommend them. ?
Here is a link to ‘Gear and What to Bring‘, where you’ll find my professional opinion on Fishing, Hiking, and Backpacking Gear.
Please also visit the ‘Rates‘ section if you’re interested in booking a trip with me.
I would love to work with you on the trip of a lifetime – feel free to email me today!